Week 21: An Afternoon at a Museum [Score +2]
We have a lovely museum in downtown Indianapolis that I often feel was misplaced but found a good home in Indiana: the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art.
Then I learned that it was founded by “a businessman and philanthropist” (PR speak for rich guy) and it was his passion project, and its presence makes more sense. Art and history interests and collections aren’t geographically limited.
I’ve visited the Eiteljorg a number of times over the years for the museum’s special exhibits: Ansel Adams. Georgia O’Keefe. And, this past Saturday, for “Dogs: Faithful and True.”
A beautifully crafted blanket for an Inuit sled dog.
This outing doesn’t score highly on my intrepid scale, but by making the effort to get out and go see the exhibit by myself, it was a step outside my usual Saturday afternoon.
Divided into three main themes—workers, companions, and heroes—the exhibit illustrated the long history of human-canine partnership through pointing out dogs’ presence in paintings and photographs, their representation in sculpture, and even the ceremonial blankets crafted for sled dogs.
My favorite part of the exhibit was actually what I encountered at the very end: a wall on which visitors were invited to write about how their own dog is a worker, a companion, or a hero on an index card and display it with others. It was in front of this wall that I heard people meeting each other, talking about their dogs, and pulling out photos to share.
I love how dogs can bring people together even when they’re not in the room.
- Did something outside my routine: +1
- Left the house: +1