A particularly stunning sunrise in St. Augustine, Florida in February 2017.
The Intrepid Introvert is one of the most ambitious—and exciting—personal projects I’ve ever undertaken. And by reading this, you, my friend, will be witness to my adventures, anxieties, awkwardness, awe, and many other emotions and nouns that begin with the letter “a” and every other letter of the alphabet.
The goal: I, the Intrepid Introvert, will do at least one thing outside my routine every week for one year.
At least 52 times in the next year, I will challenge myself to stray from my norm and get out of the house. To take a class after work instead of just tidying the house and relaxing with a book. To try activities that I’ve been eyeing for years but didn’t make the time to register. To go to festivals and fairs and events that look like fun, even if it means going by myself. To make new friends and reconnect with old ones through shared experiences and engaging conversations.
And write about it. I’ve started a list of activity ideas and would love more suggestions.
Plus, because I’m both nerdy and competitive, I’ll get points depending on the activity’s magnitude on the comfort-zone scale.
My adventure—and the idea—kicked off while I spent February in sunny Florida, escaping the damp, gray month at home in Indiana. The project will conclude in February 2018, back in sunny Florida as a grand finale.
You can read more about me and my Copilot, Mylee, who will be making a regular appearance; my inspiration; and a personal confession in these other posts.
I can’t wait to see how my life has changed by this time next year. Let’s get started, shall we?